What is micro-cheating? Why should you be concerned that your partner is micro-cheating? And what are some micro-cheating signs that your partner or spouse will cross the line into cheating or a full-fledged affair?
(If you suspect your partner is hiding secrets then find those secrets by running a background check with the best tool in the business. Input their name here to start the background check.)
The scarier part is that you don’t know what your partner has done or said. If you encounter these micro-cheating signs they could indicate that your partner already entered or is on the brink of entering an affair. They might not even realize it themselves. The fact that they do not believe that they are crossing the line is what puts them in danger or cheating.
Definition of Micro-Cheating
You’ll probably find different definitions of micro-cheating but simply put it is actions that can be perceived as flirting with someone outside of a relationship. These actions could lead to an affair.
If you do not wish to damage your relationship then simply do not do what you would hide from your partner.
Ask yourself, “Would this hurt my partner?”
My Micro-cheating Story
This is what happened to me years ago when I was mildly flirting and getting overly friendly and too close to a married woman at work. I thought, “I don’t want to cheat and I’m not actually doing anything that crosses the line. I’m just being friendly.”
But then the unexpected happened.
She liked the attention.
And so, the saying goes, “Play with fire and get burned.”
Attraction Is Unpredictable … It Can Lead to Micro-cheating ==> then Flirting ==> then an Affair
Attraction and emotions can get out of control. If you value your relationship and family, but have feel the need to interact with someone outside of the relationship for any other reasons outside of business then you beware of reaching the “point of no return”.
I’ve reached this point, and it could have been completely avoided and I regret not taking the precautions. The “point of no return” is when you reach an emotional-breaking point when you lust for the person you’ve gotten too close to and must get intimate. You have allowed it to go too far and you have lost all emotional control.
And here are some of the many micro-cheating signs that someone can end up reaching this “point of no return” if they proceed and do not cut off contact.
This is a real danger to fear, as we are human. The best way to prevent this is to stay away. Don’t live with the regret of making a mistake you could have avoided.
[Related Post] How to Catch a Cheating Spouse: Find Clues of an Affair
[Affiliate Disclaimer] This post contains affiliate links that lead to products or services that I believe could help you find out if you’re partner is cheating. I get a commission if you purchase that helps me run this site. Thank you for the support.]
10 Signs of a Micro-Cheating Partner: Time to Pay Attention
Do Any of these Micro-cheating Signs Look Familiar to You or Your Partner?
1. Brings Up a Friend or Co-workers Name A Lot
Once or twice should bring no alarm, but a pattern of bringing up someone of the opposite sex should, especially if they gleam while doing so.
2. Gets Very Protective of their Phone
Are they hiding something? Or just don’t want others to touch their private property? But if they normally had kept their phone out in the open before and then suddenly change to guarding it then something could be awry.
Who are they contacting?
See a strange number popping up on their phone? Or do you see one in your shared phone records?
Find out who they’re contacting with the best in the business background check tool. Input the strange phone number in the reverse lookup tool to see who your partner is texting and calling.
3. You Ask a Series of Personal Questions to Someone You Find Attractive
This one’s for you if you feel like you’re falling for someone outside the relationship. Do you find yourself asking him/her a list of personal questions out of genuine interest? One thing is to seek cordial conversation and attempt to get along with those around you. Another thing is be fascinated by someone and want to know as much as you can.
4. People You Know Say that You or Your Partner Are Flirty?
One time a female friend and co-worker of mine (while I was single) told me that I was flirty- implying that I acted this way around many women. This was simply not true. What she really meant was when we met I flirted with her and that she liked it- which was true. At the time, I didn’t know she was in a relationship. Before things got out of hand and took action she’d soon regret, she informed me of her desire to keep things friendly between us. However, had she let me continue with my pursuit it could have turned into flirty micro-cheating.
Do you do any of these flirty female body language moves?
5. Interact with the Other Person’s Social Media Pages Frequently
Is their someone who routinely interacts with your partner’s social media pages? Or vice versa- your partner interacts with someone else’s? This could be early signs of micro-cheating or perhaps the flirting has already begun.
6. Hangs Out in Groups with this Person Frequently- (without You or Your Partner)
Does he/she hang out in groups with the person-in-question? Perhaps a work group? Are you ever invited? Do social media posted pics show the two of them embracing and sitting/standing close by?
If you’re the one questioning that you might be going too far with someone and fear it going any further, does this person routinely attempt to invite you out in the group? Do they turn down plans with others except when you go?
Find hidden social media pics of your partner with their “friend” with this background check tool. Input your partner’s name here to start the search. THEN run the other person’s name through the tool.
7. Friends Don’t Know that You or Your Partner Are in a Relationship
Do you tell others around you that you’re in a relationship? Do your friends know your partner?
Do you know your partner’s friends? Do you see a bunch of pics on social media of people you have no idea who they are?
8. Someone Leaves Flirty Comments or Reactions Frequently on Your Partner’s Social Media Posts
In this case, this is more than mere interaction on your partner’s social media pages, these are displays of affection.
Who is this person?
Find out with this background check tool. What else is your partner hiding from you?
9. Regularly Communicate or See Their Ex (Even at Work)
He/she says they just friends, or that they still need them in their lives and that you should understand.
Do they really need them in their lives? Should you really understand why they need to stick around in your partner’s life?
What are they talking about when you’re not around?
Even talking about the “good old days” could indicate signs of micro-cheating?
Find out if they’re going out together on dates? Is your partner actually going on “business trips”? Find out how to catch a cheating partner?
10. Communicate on a Personal Level Regularly and You Do NOT Know Each Other
Do you text your co-worker outside of the job? If you do, what do you discuss? Business or personal matters? If this is not a long-time friend from a time before you began dating your partner, then don’t be surprised when one of you starts getting feelings for the other.
Then expect the social media stalking to commence (if it already hasn’t).
11. Conduct Lots of Business or Work-Related Meetings or Visits
Does your partner meet up with the person-in-question for many “business” meetings? Is it business only?
12. Business Meetings Last a Long-time
They might not be cheating yet, but if these previously-mentioned meetings last a long time then this could be a prelude to an affair.
Why are they lasting so long if it’s just business?
13. Business Meetings Often Just the Two of Them and NOT at an Office
And then continuing with the “business meeting” theme, why are they meeting at a restaurant when they office space available?
And just the two of them?
Office relationships are some of the most dangerous to marriages that begin with friendly banter that crosses into micro-cheating and then an affair.
Where are they going? Check out these GPS trackers to find out where they go.
14. Your Partner Seems to Know Personal Details about the Other Person’s Relationship or Life
How does your partner know so much about the other person?
What questions are they asking them? Why are they interested in finding out these kinds of details?
Can you find selfies of the two of them in fake social media accounts? Input their name here in this background check tool to find those pics.
15. When You Suspect or Know for a Fact They’re Together They Do NOT Promptly Answer Your Texts
Sure your partner mentions that he/she is with the other person for a business meeting, but in other business meetings that reply to your texts more promptly.
What’s changed now that he/she is with the person you suspect that have a crush on?
If you suspect that your partner has gone from micro-cheating to an affair but you need evidence then find and gather that evidence with the help of Truthfinder the best in the business background check tool.
It may require days up to months to gather the info you need. This is one tool of many to find out the truth.