With these love text messages, you will build a stronger bond with your man.
Except these texts are better than anything you’ve ever sent.
Because they reach him at a much deeper level than flirty or romantic texts.
Men may not seem expressive to you at times.
It’s because they don’t trust that you get them. And that you will take advantage of him and make him feel bad about who he is and even worse…
…manipulate and guilt him to do things for you. This is literally the worse thing you can do to a guy if you want him to stick around. And no other guy will tell you this besides me.
Guys understand guys.
And we’ll share more with our guy friends more than with you.
But you have a secret weapon.
To help you hack your man’s mind…
…in a good way
…that he will appreciate.
…if you’d like to learn what matters most to us guys on a deeper emotional level then I highly recommend that you master the concepts and action steps taught in HIS SECRET OBSESSION by dating and relationship coach James Bauer.
I swear by these techniques when advising my female mail subscribers.
[Click here] to scan through the best parts of HIS SECRET OBSESSION that I highlight here in this post of mine 9 Secret Signals of His Secret Obsession that Trigger the Hero Instinct.
Or go straight to the source and watch James’s informational video.
[Affiliate Disclaimer] This love text messages post contains affiliate links that lead to a product that I believe will help you understand men on a deeper level in order to connect with them better. If you purchase I make a commission that helps me run this site. Thank you for the support!
10 Kinds of Love Text Messages Designed to Connect with Your Boyfriend or Husband…
…so that he trusts that you actually love him and want what’s best for him

How to Tell Him that He’s Your Guy (explain what we need and what we fear), do not lie, be genuine, see it from both your viewpoint and his
Love Text Messages to Show Your Approval of, Appreciation for, Admiration of or Attraction to…
1. His Career: Choice, Accomplishments, or Just Having His Back During Struggles
Guys brag about themselves.
You know that.
But do you take advantage of that and put it in your favor?
I’d bet that you don’t because you fear stroking his ego.
There are positive, healthy ways to do it which will give him no choice but to adore you.
- “I couldn’t be more proud of you for winning the (x) award. You deserved it. I admire your persistence to succeed.”
- “Nothing makes me happier to see you doing what you love most.”
- “Keep your head up, honey. Remember that the most rewarding things in life don’t usually come easy. You’ll find a way to make it work.”
2. Him Making You Feel Safe, Protected
This doesn’t mean being physically protected like a knight with a sword and shield, rather that he’s looking out for your best interests and well-being.
- “Thank you for always checking if I arrive to work safely. I love having a man who looks out for my best interests.”
- “When you held me tonight I felt like I was in Superman’s strong arms.”
- “Sweetie, I love your gentleman gestures, like when you walk me to the passenger side door and open it more me. It feels like your my lover and guardian.”
[Related Posts]
- Flirty Good Night Messages to Turn Him On
- Sexy Texts to Turn Him On, Make Him Want You
- Romantic Texts vs Dirty Texts to Flirt and Dominate Men
- 10 Ways to Dominate and Turn On Men with Touch
- Date Idea Cards for Couples That’ll Enrich Your Love Life
- 10 Cheap Romantic Getaways for Couples Ideas to Escape Reality, Fall Back in Love
3. His Lover Skills
We men want to feel like we can please you intimately. In our minds, if we do that, then you won’t want to seek another man because you will feel fulfilled.
This can be romantic or downright sexy and dirty.
- “I get shivers throughout my body when you touch me.”
- “Just the way you look at me when you smile sends shivers throughout my body.”
- “I get wet just thinking about making love to you.”

4. His Sense of Humor
Do you know one of the best paths to a guy’s heart?
Laugh at his jokes.
We want to feel like we can entertain you.
- “Even when I feel most down you find a way to make me laugh to cheer me up. Thank you darling.”
- “You know how to make any moment entertaining. Thank you for the laughs tonight.”
- “I feel so special that we still create new inside jokes. It keeps things fresh and new. Love you.”
5. He Wants to Feel Like a Good Provider
He knows that you don’t need taken care of. This has nothing to do with that. Instead, he just wants to know that you appreciate his effort to do his part financially. We as men fear that we will lose you to another man who can offer more financially. This is why you have had men try to impress you with what they own, what they do for a living and how much money they have.
- “I know times have been tough for you financially this year. I appreciate everything you do for me, darling.”
- “You’ve got a lot on your plate financially sweetie. Thank you for dinner and the beautiful flowers. Just know I always have your back. I love you for who you are no matter what you give me.”
- “The expensive perfume was quite the surprise. Thank you. Just know that it’s never the price but the thought that matters most to me. Love you.”
6. Show that You Appreciate His Giving Nature
We want to feel like you notice our efforts to make you happy. Even when we bring you a gift or do something special for you and you don’t like the gift or need the favor, we want you to recognize our good intentions.
You can voice this with texts so that he knows that you appreciate him.
- “Thank you sweetie for doing all that you do for our kids. I couldn’t ask for a better husband.”
- “I love when you bring me beautiful flowers. It makes me feel special. I’m so lucky to have you.”
- “You give me the best birthday gifts. How do you know exactly what I want. You know me so well.”

7. Express How Much Fun He Is to Spend Time With
We also want to feel that you have a good time with us. That when we’re not together that you think about having a good time with us. We also want to feel like we know how to show you a good time.
And in this way, it brings us a sense of security that you won’t need another man who can entertain you better than us.
- “Oh, honey, how do you know what I like so well? You sure know how to show a girl a good time.”
- “You sure know how to surprise me. How did you know that I would like to (x)?”
- “Even when I feel down, you know how to lift my spirits by showing me a good time. Thank you, honey.”
8. Show Interest in His Passions, Skills, and Talents
Show him that what matters to him matters to you. It’s another way to show that you care about his needs.
- “I love that you have a passion for (x) and that you are so good at it. Not everyone has the persistence to strive for excellence.”
- “It’s amazing that you learned to (x). You’re so smart. It’s quite impressive sweetie.”
- “Honey, how did you learn to (x), anyway? I find that amazing about you.”
9. Show Support for His Personal Space
Displaying trust and that you understand his need for time to himself will go a long way. This shows that you are secure in yourself and that you don’t need to smother him.
Big wins for any guy.
- “I know we planned to (x) together, but we can do it another time. Have fun with your friends. I know you haven’t seen them much of late.”
- “You’ve been working so hard lately. How about you go on a getaway trip with some of your friends? A guys’ trip.”
- “It seems like you’re stressed from a the things you’re juggling. Would you like some time to yourself to recoup?”
10. Let Him Know that You Respect and Value the Qualities He Prides about Himself…
… without stroking his ego too much.
One of the best ways, if not the best way, to connect with someone, is to identify the qualities they take pride in about themselves and recognize them for it.
Do that, and they will adore you.
- “I’ve never met someone more persistent and determined to achieve their dreams. Love you hun.”
- “You never cease to amaze me how you juggle everything and still get it done.”
- “How do you manage to handle the stress in your life and still carry that stunning smile.”
Learn to Get to His Heart and Become the Center of His Life
…with this Relationship Guide (PDF) and Online Course
I’ve received tons of emails from women wanting to know how to connect with their man in ways that turn her into his obsession.
The key to his heart is simple (provided you make a good long-term personality and life goals match).
Show him that you know what matters most to him.
What he wants in life.
How he sees himself.
And what role he wants to play in a relationship with a woman.
How can you do that?
Unlock those secrets in relationship coach James Bauer’s “His Secret Obsession”.
I HIGHLY recommend that read this cover-to-cover at least twice.
And then read the sections that stand out to you from time to time.
Either [click here] to get more information about His Secret Obsession in this video.
Or read this post of mine 9 Secret Signals of His Secret Obsession that Trigger the Hero Instinct to find out what I feel the most important sections of the eBook to open the door to his heart.