Yes, there are ways to make him want you.
And if you’d like to learn more about those male mind hack techniques then read the first two blog posts in this mini-series:
- Make Him Want You: 10 Ways to Make Him Attracted to You
- Make Him Want You: His 15 Needs to Make Him Want More Time with You
Finding long-term love may be the single most important accomplishment in your life.
Because when you find the One, the rest of your life becomes more enjoyable.
But be wary of who you choose to spend the rest of your life with because choosing the wrong man brings you endless misery.
Here are some techniques to nudge him along to make him want you as his life-long partner and to become his queen.
Even if you are married or have a boyfriend this list can help rejuvenate your relationship.
10 Techniques to Make Him Want You, Open His Heart and Mind to See You as “The One”

1. He Must Find You Attractive
No matter how much you have in common he likely will not see you as a long-term partner unless he finds you attractive.
And no matter how attractive you view yourself beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how you view yourself, only how he views you.
Read my first blog post in this mini-series to view the checklist of ways to make him want you and find you attractive.
2. **Does He Want to Spend Time with You?
And no matter how much he’s attracted to you it won’t lead to love if he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
Check out the second blog post in this mini-series for ways to get him to want more time with you.
3. Accept that We Men Have Deep Feelings Too
What you think affects what you say and do. Therefore, if you THINK that men do not have DEEP feelings, or that we are just robots then you will NOT be able to connect with us.
And you will always wonder why men disappear, ghost, or hide from you.
We commit to women who get us and take the time to learn about our deep emotional needs.
So, if you want to become his queen, then pay attention to this special point on this list.
4. Make Him Feel Good Enough
Relationships are a two-way street, are they not?
Why would you expect your man to commit to you when you don’t make him feel like he’s the one for you.
Do what it takes to make him feel like he’s the only one you have eyes for.
If you feel like that makes you too vulnerable or that it would make you chase him instead of the other way around, then have you considered that you are not with the right guy?
Love only works when we both sacrifice.
5. Be His Biggest Fan (Support His Passions, Goals, Ambitions)
We both want to live a good life. Compatible companions want to experience good times together.
They want to be happy, and one of the best ways to feel happy in a relationship is when your partner roots for you.
They celebrate your successes.
And they support your pursuits.
Take interest in his hobbies.
Show him that you care about his pursuit of passions, goals, and ambitions.
6. Respect His Boundaries
Part of him feeling comfortable around you and wanting to get close rather than run off to his man cave every chance he gets is to respect his boundaries.
We men want you to respect us.
What does that involve?
- Give him the benefit of the doubt
- Praise Him- Do Not Belittle Him
- Give him personal space
- Show interest in who his friends and co-workers are
- Encourage him to spend time with his friends
7. Give Him Glimpse of a Bright and Exciting Future Together
Encourage him to discuss what fascinates him about his future. What gets him excited?
Where does he want to travel to?
What experiences or projects does he mention?
How does he feel about volunteering?
(Do any of them match what you want to do? This is a good way to see if you make a good long-term match.)
And if you’ve learned what matters most to him then paint a picture of how you could accomplish them together with glimpse phrases.
- Imagine us cruising along the coast of Alaska watching Humback whales leap out of the ocean.
- Can you imagine how it’d feel to bring gifts to kids at an orphange?
- Can you feel your heart pounding just thinking about riding horseback along the paths of the Grand Canyon?
Show him that both of your visions of the future match.
Learn more about glimpse phrases and other techniques that make him want you and to become his queen.
Click here to view my blog post What Is the Hero Instinct?
8. Respect His Family and Choice of Friends
This one could fall under the list of ways to make him more comfortable around you, but it still impacts his long-term outlook on a relationship with you.
Do not get jealous of his time with friends or family, and instead show genuine interest to get to know them.
Showing support for his relationships with family and friends will demonstrate to him that you care about his needs.
9. Identify His “Prized” Qualities, Skills
I mention this in my blog post about helping him to get more comfortable with you so that he wants more time with you.
It’s a valuable step in opening his heart to make him to want you as his long-term partner and queen.
Show him that you know the qualities that he prides in himself.
Here are some ideas:
What are his hobbies?
What is he most passionate about?
- Volunteering?
- Playing music?
- Health and conditioning,
- Entrepreneurship,
- Traveling?
How about the little, not-so-obvious skills?
- Is he a good problem-solver?
- Does he have good taste in wines?
- Does he display a strong desire to live an exciting and fulfilling life?
- How well does he take care of his belongings and keep things clean and organized?
- How well does he get along with kids?
All of these traits he likely prides himself in doing well.
And when you bring them up to him it goes a long way to open his heart and see you as the ONE woman who truly understands his deep emotional needs.
10. Hold Out for Mr. Right- Don’t Force the Relationship
Here is a simple reminder to NOT force love.
How many unhappily married people have you come across in your life that probably should not have married?
And how many of them do you believe probably just forced the marriage because it was the convenient thing to do?
Do NOT fall in love with the idea of falling in love.
Marrying the WRONG person can set you on a very long and miserable road, one which many people have traveled down.
Instead, hold out for the right partner:
- One who matches your life-long goals and aspirations,
- Share the same (or very similar) set of core values and beliefs
- Someone you want to spend time with
- Find attractive
- Who you can respect and vice-versa (and doesn’t drive you to the poin of insanity)
- Whose personality you can get along with more often than not.
BONUS 1: Ask for Help- Fix Your Problem
Men cannot resist the temptation to solve problems for you. It makes us feel useful and needed.
Learn how to tap into our male emotional trigger systems with the help of relationship coach James Bauer’s His Secret Obsession.
I share the highlights of the top features of His Secret Obsession here in my blog post.
BONUS 2: Learn About the Hero Instinct
Why do we men fascinate about feeling like your hero?
When you accept that our needs to please you are simple and do not take it personally that we want to help you then you’ll be amazed how easy it becomes to make men chase you.
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