Attractive regular everyday women can practice these same subtle ways to make men chase and thus become irresistible and approachable to high quality, relationship-seeking men.
Before we begin, I wish to clarify my definition of “make men chase”.
To some, “make men chase” depicts some women as unattainable and placed on some kind of towering pedestal. She glides down the street or hall in grace while on a mission, always equipped with a forward glance while never paying mind to the mere mortal men she passes.
This strategy of “hard-to-get” limits her circle of choices to the small pool of men who foolishly chase after those “limited-access” women.
The problem with this concept is simple.
It scares off most men and prevents a woman from meeting the men who could make a good personality and value match- a healthy relationship partner.
Do You Want to Be“Hard-to-Get” or “Impossible-to-Get”?
Playing “hard-to-get” is quite different than playing “impossible-to-get”.
The average regular man who will make a good partner with you will NOT approach women who outright ignore him- who do not give him any sign of approval.
Yes, we want to feel like we’re “hunting” and that we have won our “prize woman”, but only if we FEEL THERE IS A CHANCE OF WINNING.
When an attractive man approaches you without you giving him a hint that you like him great, perfect.
But what about when he doesn’t? Do you want to risk that you never see him again or that he approaches other women? No, right?
When this happens your objective should shift to giving him subtle signs that he has permission to advance.
Grant him the opportunity to “audition” for the right to reach the next stage of courtship.
Grant him the opportunity to “audition” for the right to reach the next stage of courtship.
Keep your dignity and try these…
10 Subtle Ways to Make Men Chase and Attempt to Win You Over
Grant Them the Audition for the Right to Advance
As I stated before, we love “the hunt”, “the chase”, but very few men will initiate the chase if they feel they have NO CHANCE of winning.
These subtle ways to make men chase and make the first big move to win you over is a combination of light flirting and you sending the message, “I like what I see Mister. Now let’s see what you’ve got. Showtime. Go!”
1. Eye Contact
One of the most powerful ways to dominate a man is with eye contact.
If you want to give him the “green light” then hold eye contact for at least 2-3 seconds.
Make him feel that you offer your approval while still leaving room for him to make the next move.
(Eye contact also makes my list of flirty moves for shy women to dominate men).
What NOT to Do
Make him feel your look is accidental. Don’t make a split-second glance, then look away.
He won’t any reason to make a move and try to talk with you.
2. Face Him
Show him you mean to look at him.
Make him feel that you enjoy it, but that he will have to work to get more of your attention.
Let him feel that he has a chance, almost like you grant him an audition.
What NOT to Do
Do not look like you are in a hurry to get away or that you have more important things to do. While you speak with him he should feel like you enjoy it.
3. Smile
Show him that you are a happy person, at least around him.
Smile to show him that you enjoy seeing him.
Make him feel like he makes you smile.
That’s a feeling that’s hard to beat for us men.
We want to feel that you approve, that we have a shot to succeed with you.
What NOT to Do
Do not smile quickly to get it over with and especially do not smile with fear. He should feel like you are smiling because you enjoy looking at him and vice versa.
Related Articles to Flirty Comments to Turn Him On
4. Fun and Flirtatious
You prefer a man who knows how to have fun, right?
We want the same from you.
Make flirty comments (make a post about this- Wow, I’m so distracted right now)
Poke him.
Try these flirty conversation starters.
What NOT to Do
Do not see flirting as childish or a chore. If you do then have you considered that you might lack the confidence to flirt? Honestly, who finds overly serious people attractive? Love is supposed to be fun and vulnerable at the same time.
4. Display Confidence
Confident body language such as eye contact, powerful arm, and hand positions, and face him when you speak are some of the most subtle ways to make men chase and find you irresistible.
Show that you move with purpose and without fear. Speak up, speak clearly.
Display excitement when you speak. He should see it in your body and hear it in your voice.
What NOT to Do
Do not overdo the excitement. Instead, scale it up. First, show him you are happy to see him. Then when he matches your level of excitement. Move it up a notch. But not too much, just enough that he sees you are giving him more attention than you would normally to other men.
Also, do not send mixed signals. This one is huge. For example, do not make eye contact or do other things to get his attention such as flirting, then when he gives you attention, come across uninterested. It’s understandable to be nervous but do not seem disinterested or you may not get another chance.
5. Touch Him
Nothing makes his heart pump faster than when you touch him.
I’m not suggesting anything sexual. Just innocent touch on this arm, shoulder, or lower back.
Make him feel that you’re comfortable being close and that you enjoy being in his close personal space.
What NOT to Do
Do not make it look accidental. Make him feel that you want to touch him. If he sees you doing this to all men then he’ll just assume that you are just confident women with all men. Make the ones you like to know that they are special, different than the rest in your eyes.
6. Compliment Him
I’m not asking you to make his head swell and make him feel conceited.
Just make him feel special, that he stands out to you with a cute, innocent, but simple compliment.
Compliment something he’s wearing, his smile, a personality trait you observe about him, anything that stands out that you find unique to him.
In the end, we want to feel unique to someone.
He’ll adore you for it and find you irresistible.
What NOT to Do
Do not feel that you have to compliment big things or that it is your job to build up his confidence. Just show your approval of genuine things you like about him.
Make Him Earn Your Respect, Time, and Affection
These last few subtle ways to make men chase serve as the basis for creating the allure that you are the “prize-to-be-won”. Make him earn your respect now that you got his attention.
He should feel that you have granted him “an audition” and now he needs to perform to get to the next step.
These keys set the stage to earn his respect and ultimately separate mature relationship-seeking men from all the rest.
7. Tell Him What You Don’t Like
One of the best moments to get a man to chase and see where you stand with him is when he makes a mistake.
You CANNOT just let his mistake slide.
Instead, tell him the behaviors that you do NOT approve of.
Give him the opportunity to make things right.
What he does next will allow things to move forward or come to a halt.
If he works to make things right and to get your approval, then you know that you’re special to him.
What NOT to Do
Do NOT complain about things you do not like or belittle him. The idea here is not to bash him and ruin his confidence. What I mean is make him respect you. Point out the disrespectful things he does or ways he neglects you. (Do not give him reasons to run away. Do not do these things that push men away.)
8. Tell Him What You Like and Want
Make it clear the things you like such as your preferences (things you like to do for fun, your favorite foods, etc.) and the behaviors you expect from men.
Also, make it known what you would like to happen next, but allow him the opportunity to take action.
Try out these ways to tell a man what you want and get it.
What NOT to Do
I am not referring to the things that you like about him. Instead, I mean hint to him the things that you enjoy. Then sit back and see if he takes action to make you happy. The same thing goes for expectations. Once you start to date or establish a relationship, state your side of what you want to happen. Then see if he follows through.
9. Make Him Earn Your Approval and Affection
This is really a mindset piece.
By confirming which behaviors and actions that you approve of and also by stating what you would like to see happen in the future, you put the ball in his court.
You’re leaving it up to him to follow through or to fail.
This gives him the reins, but it also makes him work to earn the right to advance or to lose it.
Reward him for the things he does that you like.
Here are the best ways to thank a man.
What NOT to Do
Do not manipulate him into getting what you want. This will ultimately end with your demise. Do not state what you will give in return. And do not shame a man to get what you want. Eventually, he will catch on and leave you or cheat.
10. Make Him Fit You into His Schedule
If you want another way to see how hard a man will work to find time for you, do just that, make him find time for you. Make him fit into your schedule.
Give him the days and times that you can see him.
What NOT to Do
Do not get bossy. Work out the details with him. If he cannot make the times you offer, then suggest a Plan B. Search for other times. I just do not want you to come across as always being available or someone ready to drop everything they’re doing to see him. This looks needy and insecure.
Bonus: Live a Happy Fruitful Life With Or Without Him
People who enjoy life draw people to them like magnets. Who wants to be around negative people?
Enjoy your life for your own sake and subconsciously send the message that you do not need him, but that you would prefer he be around.
Furthermore, this illustrates that you are not one to sit around and wait for him, that you are not always readily available.
Once again, he must find the time to fit into your schedule.