One easy way to gain weight is not paying attention to what we drink, but these healthy drinks to lose weight will start you on a more healthy lifestyle trend. Plus, you’ll feel more energized to do these fun date ideas with your partner or check off these activities from your ultimate travel bucket list.
Including the healthy drinks listed in this blog post further down in your daily lives will go a long way to managing weight gain.
This becomes especially important when you don’t like to exercise like I don’t. Of course, realistically, as you can imagine, eating and drinking healthy plus exercise is, without argument, the best combination to lose weight and feel energized. (*Here are some other simple ways to lose weight without exercise).
I love me some wine, beer, and cocktails and it shows in my belly. *:(
While I don’t expect to drop these completely I have started to supplement other drinks to quench my desire for alcohol while avoiding sugar.
What drinks do you love that might be working against you and adding unwanted weight to your waistline?
Here’s a list of drinks that you may want to consider changing regularly for healthy drinks to lose weight. (Some you already knew… how about the others?)
STOP Drinking These WEIGHT-GAINERS All the Time!
Soda contains high levels of sugar, which can lead to weight gain over time. (But you knew this already). And here’s another healthy fizzy drink that could lower weight.
Sweetened Iced Tea
Similar to soda, sweetened iced tea is high in sugar and can contribute to weight gain.
Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are often high in calories and sugar, which can lead to weight gain if consumed regularly.
Fruit Juice
While fruit juice can be a healthier choice than soda, it still contains high levels of sugar and calories that can contribute to weight gain.
Chocolate Milk
While it may be a tasty treat, chocolate milk is high in sugar and calories, making it a drink that can contribute to weight gain.
Flavored Coffee Drinks
Many flavored coffee drinks are high in sugar and calories, making them an easy way to consume excess calories and gain weight.
Milkshakes are high in calories and sugar, making them a drink that can contribute to weight gain if consumed regularly.
While smoothies can be a healthy choice, they can also be high in sugar and calories if made with sweetened ingredients like fruit juice or flavored yogurt. And here’s a tasty healthy drink invented by a former fireman from Pennsylvania that helped him shed 62 pounds.
Alcoholic Beverages
Many alcoholic beverages are high in calories and sugar and can contribute to weight gain if consumed regularly. (Pretty much all alcoholic drinks contain sugar or convert to it).
Sports Drinks
While they can be helpful for athletes, many sports drinks are high in sugar and calories, making them a drink that can contribute to weight gain if consumed regularly.
Instead, consider these healthy drinks to support a healthy diet.
START Drinking these instead more often…
10 Healthy Drinks to Lose Weight When You Don’t Like to Exercise
Drinking water is one of the best ways to stay hydrated and lose weight. It has zero calories and can help you feel full, reducing your appetite. Add lemon juice for flavor and to cut appetite. If you don’t like to drink still water like I don’t here is an alternative healthy drink to lose weight to consider.
Green Tea
Green tea is packed with antioxidants and contains a compound called catechin, which can help increase metabolism and burn fat. (DO NOT add sugar. Read the ingredient label before drinking).
(*Green tea catechins, caffeine and body-weight regulation: Department of Human Biology, Nutrim, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Black Coffee
Black coffee is a low-calorie drink that can help boost metabolism and aid weight loss. Just be mindful of the added sugar and cream that can increase the calorie count.
(*Coffee Consumption and Body Weight Regulation: New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital, Institute of Human Nutrition, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA)
Vegetable Juice
Vegetable juices are a great way to get essential nutrients and vitamins while cutting down on calories. They also provide fiber that can keep you full and reduce cravings. (Read the ingredient label first to check for sugar).
Low-fat Milk
Low-fat milk is a good source of calcium and protein, which can help build muscles and boost metabolism. It also contains fewer calories compared to whole milk.
Coconut Water
Coconut water is a low-calorie drink that is rich in electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium. It can help boost energy levels and aid in weight loss.
Protein Shake
Protein shakes are a convenient way to increase protein intake, which can help build muscles and burn fat. Just make sure to choose a low-calorie and low-sugar option.
Herbal Tea
Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea can help reduce stress, improve digestion, and boost metabolism. And check out this healthy alternative drink to manage weight.
Kombucha is a fermented drink that is rich in probiotics, which can help improve gut health and aid in weight loss.
(*A review on health benefits of kombucha nutritional compounds and metabolites)
Sparkling Water
Sparkling water is a great alternative to sugary sodas and can help keep you hydrated while filling you up. Just make sure to choose an option without added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
These healthy drinks to lose weight can dramatically affect how you feel daily injecting you with a boost of energy.
But how do they do it?
What happens scientifically to make these healthy drinks to lose weight and prevent you from adding extra unwanted pounds?
The Science Behind Healthy Drinks to Lose Weight
Healthy drinks can play an important role in weight management and support weight loss. One of the main ways they do this is by increasing feelings of fullness and reducing hunger. This is because many healthy drinks are high in fiber, which takes longer to digest and keeps us feeling full for longer periods of time.
In addition, some healthy drinks, such as green tea and coffee, contain caffeine, which can help boost our metabolism and increase our calorie burn. Other drinks, like water and herbal tea, can help to flush out excess water weight and reduce bloating.
Certain healthy drinks also contain ingredients that have been shown to have a positive effect on weight management. For example, apple cider vinegar has been shown to reduce appetite and promote feelings of fullness, while ginger can improve digestion and reduce inflammation in the body – both of which can promote weight loss and management.
Not a Fan of Healthy Drinks? Don’t Like the Taste?
[Click Here] for info on a trending tasty healthy drink that can help you lose weight.
(*Beneficial effects of Apple Cider Vinegar on weight management)
(**The Effectiveness of Nigella sativa and Ginger as Appetite Suppressants)
*It’s important to note that while healthy drinks can be a helpful tool in weight management, they should not be relied on as the sole solution. A healthy diet and regular exercise are still generally accepted as the most important factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. However, incorporating healthy drinks into your routine can provide additional support and help you reach your goals.