His Secret Obsession by relationship coach James Bauer, done right, with the right guy, will give you an advantage over winning your man’s heart- FOR GOOD! Bauer shares deliberate male mind hack techniques you can use that will win his affection and create a strong long-term bond with your guy.
Bauer refers to the primary focus and concept of His Secret Obsession as “the Hero Instinct” which I can attest as a man, is a phenomenon that has worked on me and any man I’ve ever known for as long as I can remember. It’s so simple and easy to do that it’s mindboggling. It makes it nearly impossible to resist a woman’s advances.
Done right, “the Hero Instinct”, along with all its supporting methods and concepts can help you turn your life with you into one of his most prized pursuits.
His Secret Obsession Works for Many Women, But NOT All
Now, please understand, the eBook is not designed for all women. It will not work like magic on every man. If he feels manipulated or forced then he will sense it a mile away.
It is most suitable for women in relationships who want a closer emotional bond with their man, but who fear it will not last long-term. And in this post, I will explain the PROs and CONs, who the lessons will work for and not work for, plus give you an inside glance at those techniques to decide for yourself if you would like your own copy and all the included bonuses.
Learning how to trigger our male inner desire to FEEL like a woman’s “hero”, coined “the Hero Instinct” by James Bauer in His Secret Obsession, will help any woman tap into his natural desire to please her and feel like the driving force behind her happiness. The poor guy is F—–!
(In a good way! Ha, ha)
Learn how to turn your man into a chaser because he feels what you want is best for him. Keep reading…
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Overview of “His Secret Obsession”
Title: “His Secret Obsession”
Author: James Bauer (dating and relationship coach for women)
Other eBooks by Author
“What Men Secretly Want”
♦213 page PDF eBook (WATCH VIDEO==> then Access the Instant download upon purchase AND receive email delivery of PDF via Clickbank.com)
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♦Audio Version (Same delivery method as PDF)
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Brief Description of His Secret Obsession
Most in-depth male mind hack ebook I’ve read to date!
Expect to learn the feelings that drive men to desire your company– and not some other woman’s (the “hero instinct” forms the basis of this male drive).
James Bauer’s main message revolves around understanding how to become a part of his pursuit of happiness and purpose simultaneously while pursuing his own personal goals and dreams.
Just like you, we need to feel like you have our best interests in mind, but that a life with you will make that life much more enjoyable, almost to the point that you are the one woman who can help us achieve our dreams together and celebrate those successes.
Again, “His Secret Obsession” is not perfect and I will reveal my PROs and CONs in this review.
At the end of this review you can decide on your own to purchase your own copy or not.
I’m only here to provide you information and offer my opinions- not to sell you.
Ready to Learn the Powerful Techniques to Connect with Your Man?
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Who His Secret Obsession will Help
- Primarily women dating or in a relationship
- Women who truly care about their man’s happiness
- Girlfriends who want a deep emotional connection with their man
- For those who believe mutual vulnerability allows a couple to connect
- Self-learning women who enjoy reading about relationships and the psychology of what makes them work
- A person who will put the advice into practice
- Confident, strong women who just need some insight on how to better understand and communicate with their man
Who Should PASS on His Secret Obsession
- NOT for women looking for ways to manipulate men
- NOT for women who believe all men are pigs and want to manipulate women
- NOT suitable for someone who does not enjoy reading about psychology and the inner-workings of the dynamics of relationships
- NOT for women who would benefit from professional counseling to help them raise their level of self-esteem
- NOT for those who will only read and fear putting these concepts into practice
- NOT most suitable for single women UNLESS you just want a headstart and plan on applying these techniques in the future
- NOT the most suitable course for women in long-distance relationships (who met their man long-distance- different than you met locally and then one moved away). This would contradict the theory of propinquity (found in the Private Island Signal section starting on page 142)
PROs of His Secret Obsession
- How to get a man excited to take action steps to earn your approval and adoration
- Opens your mind on how to pursue mutual happiness, not just your own, thus earning your boyfriend’s trust
- Discover how to make a man chase (in a healthy way)
- Easy-to-read with practical action steps to apply in your relationship
- Real-life examples from relationship coach and author James Bauer’s coaching clients
- References to scientific psychological studies
CONS of His Secret Obsession
- Very deep concepts, not suitable for someone who does not enjoy reading about psychology
- The labels James gives his methods and concepts sound similar to each other
- The content of the methods and concepts also sound very similar which can get confusing (but in the end you will understand the overall idea)
- You WILL have to read the eBook (or at least sections) a few times to truly benefit from its lessons
- By itself, His Secret Obsession, will NOT make a man fall in love with you, but it will give you the best chance of finding out if your man is marriage material
The 9 Secret Male Mind Hacks to Awaken the Hero Instinct in Your Boyfriend
I hope you understand that I do not have permission to simply copy-and-paste sections of Bauer’s eBook here, but I will do my best to explain and summarize his methods and concepts here.
The Glimpse Phrase (p 154)
These are questions or comments that help him visualize a future exciting and adventurous life with you. The genius behind them is they get him to fill in the blanks in his own mind with the details of how those fantasies look. In other words, your “glimpse phrases” get him to convince himself to glimpse into the future and to visualize a fascinating life with you.
*This section includes a story from one of the author’s clients, Laura, how she got John to glimpse into the future and decide on his own accord to propose to her by using “what if” questions. These glimpse phrases allowed John to fantasize about the exhilarating possibilities with her. Before she began applying James Bauer’s Glimpse Phrase technique their relationship had lacked the level of passion and romance that Laura longed-for.
The Fascination Trigger (p 41)
Here is the concept that if you can get him to naturally assimilate a life with you to achieve a deep driving purpose in his life- a feeling he needs to feel complete, then you will fascinate his imagination. He will focus more time and effort to please you in order to reap the reward of winning your approval.
Bauer ties in the theory of “propinquity”, which states the more often you naturally, without force or manipulation, spend time with or around him, the more he will voluntarily seek to spend even more time with you. You will see how this works with examples and a real-life story in his Private Island section on page 142)
Silent Action Signals (starts p 120)
This is where Bauer shares the concept of becoming vulnerable and expressing your needs and how he can help you fulfill those needs, thus bringing you joy.
It silently becomes “his obsession” for him to serve as a major reason behind you experiencing a happy relationship. On pages 124 and 125 he sheds light on a method and mindset you must adopt to make the sending of these silent signals occur regularly, which I fully endorse and often advise my female friends and subscribers in my newsletter from another blog I work on.
The “I Owe You Signal” (p 138)
Here is one of James Bauer’s genius methods to get a man to voluntarily follow your lead and take action to win your approval, all the while thinking that it was his effort and own ideas that saved the day.
The premise is that you get him to agree to something that he obviously already wants anyway, and then challenge him to go make it happen for the mutual benefit of you both. Upon doing so he feels like the hero in the relationship- an extremely effective male mind hack, yet necessary one for the health of the relationship.
The Damsel in Distress Signal (p 168)
Here is one of my favorite concepts from His Secret Obsession, and one that most women despise. This can and will become a breaking point if you fail to understand our natural drive to feel needed and useful in relationships. We want to help you solve some of your challenges and feel like you need our assistance in some way. In the end, we just want to feel relevant. This is the basis of wanting to feel like a protector or provider.
We men cannot resist the temptation to come running to your aid. Just upon hearing you say, “Thank you John for helping me”, or “I appreciate you helping me figure this out Chris,” we gush with pride and feel important and relevant to you.
We are fascinated with the feelings of acting as your hero, even if just for something small.
The Private Island Signal (p 142)
And here are examples of how to allow him to practice his pursuit of feeling like your hero.
Bauer also includes another real-life example from one of his clients Liz, and how he equipped her with the secret weapon of learning how to trigger his “Hero Instinct”, which kept him racing back to her.
The X-ray Question (p 149)
Here is where Bauer illustrates practical examples to use in your relationship to uncover what are the things that your man secretly wants more of in his life. This makes it easier for him to verbalize what he needs to feel complete and balanced in life. From here, you can help him achieve those goals and dreams, thus making you a integral part of his life in his own mind.
Again, the goal here is to become irresistible to him, to become “his secret obsession”. He wants a woman who will join him on his journey, NOT blockade it.
The Ex Back Signal (p 9)
Here is where you will find the 12-word text message that could get the ball rolling to interact with your ex again.
Hint: it pertains to triggering his “hero instinct” and works in any stage of a relationship.
The Secret Currency of Relationship Signal (p 161)
We men need to feel like we’re making incremental progress with you. We must see that you approve of our efforts to make you happy and to feel like an important part of your life. Likewise, you need to see us making the effort by rewarding us with bread crumbs.
These bread crumbs train your boyfriend to take action to make you happy and by doing so, he earns a token of your approval and affection.
Here in this section of His Secret Obsession you will find plenty of practical examples to apply in your relationship.
My Final Opinion of James Bauer’s “His Secret Obsession”
You cannot force a man to fall in love and decide to commit his life to you.
With or without you, he has his own desires and plan.
Learn to become a part of that plan and how to fulfill his purpose to delight a woman and feel necessary to her happiness and well-being.
Show him that you have his best interests in mind and that you truly care about his personal and professional pursuits.
His Secret Obsession will serve as the key to unlock better communication to help him get what he wants in life, and that life involves you, a woman who truly gets him.
Discover How to Become Part of His Pursuit of Happiness
Access James Bauer’s His Secret Obsession NOW!

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