Want the KEY to make him want more time with you?
He must feel comfortable around you and thoroughly enjoy your presence.
Not just that, he must not get annoyed to the point he wants to avoid you.
Plus, he must want to spend time with you even when you’re not doing anything exciting.
Show him that you accept him for who he is.
IN ADDITION to enticing him to want more time with you these tips pave the way for the next stage in the relationship- seeing you as the One, your wife.
HEED MY WARNING: You cannot GUILT him to want more time with you.
Learn to master the art of making him chase (more on that later).
15 Male Mind Hacks to Make Him Want More Time with You

1. Learn How to Attract Him (read the first blog post in this series)
If you haven’t read my first blog post in this mini-series then check it out here: 10 Simple Regular Women Attract Men to Them Like a Magnet
Finding you attractive and wanting to spend more time with you go hand-in-hand.
2. Make Him Earn Your Respect
He will want more time with you if he respects you. Ask for what you want. Tell him what you don’t like. Don’t let mistreatment slide.
3. State Your Boundaries
Another way to earn respect from your man is to state your boundaries ahead of time.
It serves you better to state them early instead of waiting for him to cross them.
4. Set Your Expectations
The best way to get what you want with a man and to earn his respect is to state your expectations early in the relationship.
If you haven’t, then do so ASAP.
Be firm.
And if it scares you to set them because you think it will push him away then just remember…
… if you do not set your expectations of what you want to happen in the relationship then there is little chance it will happen anyway.
5. Give Him His Personal Space
When we want our personal space and time then you MUST give it.
It may conflict with your needs but guilting him to spend time with you will not make him want more time with you.
Even if he agrees he will despise you for manipulating him.
Again, one of the best ways to get him to want more time with you is to show him that you care about his needs.
6. Give Him Pieces of Your Attention- NOT Huge Chunks (not yet)
Here is the key to make men chase.
Give him a little of what he likes then STOP.
Think of how simple that psychology is for a second.
Sound familiar?
On our last visit to the grocery store, did try a sample of something?
Did you want more of it?
This is the same concept.
But do you have the strength to pull it off?
Especially when he expresses a positive response to what you did?
Not many women can pull this off.
But the ones with the most success with getting men to want to spend more time with them and chase get this concept and put it into regular practice.
7. Make Him Schedule His Time Around Your Personal Life
Here’s yet another concept that only a few women get I’ve come across.
Confident women with a high self-image make men work their schedule into hers- not the other way around.
We men will work harder to find time for you if you make us, well, just that…
… work to find time for you.
8. Enjoy Life without Him
These same women who make men find time to see her based on her schedule also have a fun-filled life.
They have other friends they regularly see and/or they have plenty of activities and hobbies that they participate in.
You don’t need a man in your life.
Any man will not do.
Hold out for the right man who gets you and wants you to be happy and cares about your well-being.
9. Fewer Gifts, But GOOD Ones
First of all, do NOT shower him with gifts.
Resist the temptation.
Why would you do that?
Is this about you feeling a connection or you wanting to get him to want more time with you?
Be memorable to him.
Show him that you understand his needs.
Learn if your man wants useful, everyday functional gifts or collection/hobby gifts?
One of my exes knew how to get the right gifts for me.
I still use many of them every day.
Show your man that you understand him. When you get him gifts, get him the right gifts.
This is yet another way to get him to want more time with you.
10. Touch Him How He Likes It When He Wants It
Touch him when he does NOT want to be touched or touch him in ways he doesn’t like and he will push you away.
Do you want him to want more time with you?
Then master the skill of touch that makes us men most comfortable and dominates our feelings.
The women who get this skill get men to want like them against their own will.
They understand how to trigger these male mind hacks.
11. Show Confidence and Security, Not Neediness
Do not guilt or beg a man for things you need. It only pushes us away.
The same thing happens in the reverse when we look needy and helpless.
It’s better to communicate your needs early.
Explain what happens when you start to feel neglected rather than beg and plead and look desperate.
Communicate the importance of scheduling a date night time for you both.
Click here for fun date ideas and here for stay-home date ideas.
12. Break Plans from Time-to-Time
This may go against common sense, but it is another male mind hack to get him to chase.
Break plans with him.
But only when something truly comes up.
Do not manipulate and make up a story just in an attempt to lift up your value.
13. Identify His Talents and Best Qualities (that he likes about himself)
Show him that you get him and he will want more time with you.
He wants you to appreciate his talents and for the qualities that he is most proud of.
Make him feel special for the things that matter most to him just like you want him to do for you.
Here are some ideas:
- Does he play a musical instrument?
- Does he possess any artistic talent?
- What are his best attributes: is he a good problem-solver? Is he persistent? Does he possess a drive to succeed?
- How about his sense of humor?
- Does he show compassion for others?
14. Find the Date Ideas that You Both Enjoy
Check out my list of fun date ideas for couples.
I also offer downloadable and printable date idea cards at my Etsy shop
15. Also Find the Date Ideas that Only He Enjoys
Ask him to take you places that you enjoy, it’s only fair.
But also go on dates that matter more to him than you and he will appreciate you for it.
Check out these fun date ideas for couples and my downloadable, printable date idea cards for couples at my Etsy shop.
BONUS 1: Ask for Help- Fix Your Problem
Men cannot resist the temptation to solve problems for you. It makes us feel useful and needed.
Learn how to tap into our male emotional trigger systems with the help of relationship coach James Bauer’s His Secret Obsession.
I share the highlights of the top features of His Secret Obsession here in my blog post.
BONUS 2: Learn About the Hero Instinct
Why do we men fascinate about feeling like your hero?
When you accept that our needs to please you are simple and do not take it personally that we want to help you then you’ll be amazed how easy it becomes to make men chase you.
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